Example {quarto-assign} document

Active Profile

This document is using the rubric Quarto profile to generate output.

Conditional Content

Please attempt all exercises to the best of your ability.

Points awarded:

  • +1 for full points
  • +0.5 for vector with 5 observations or vector with only integers but not exactly 5 observations.
x <- c(1L:5L)
# Or: 
y <- c(1L, -4L, -5L, 42L, 55L)

Document Source

Below is the markdown used to create the above Conditional Content section in the document.

Please attempt all exercises to the best of your ability.

1. Create a vector of containing 5 different integer numbers.  

Points awarded:

- +1 for full points
- +0.5 for vector with 5 observations or vector with only integers but not exactly 5 observations.

x <- c(1L:5L)
# Or: 
y <- c(1L, -4L, -5L, 42L, 55L)