<- c(1L:5L)
x # Or:
<- c(1L, -4L, -5L, 42L, 55L) y
Example {quarto-assign} document
Active Profile
This document is using the solution Quarto profile to generate output.
Conditional Content
Please attempt all exercises to the best of your ability.
Solution.Document Source
Below is the markdown used to create the above Conditional Content section in the document.
Please attempt all exercises to the best of your ability.
:::{.direction}1. Create a vector of containing 5 different integer numbers.
Points awarded:
- +1 for full points
- +0.5 for vector with 5 observations or vector with only integers but not exactly 5 observations.
x <- c(1L:5L)
# Or:
y <- c(1L, -4L, -5L, 42L, 55L)