Custom Callout Extension

The {quarto-custom-callout} extension enhances Quarto’s built-in callout functionality by allowing you to create and use custom callouts in your Quarto documents. With this extension, you can define your own callout types with custom colors, icons, and appearances.


To install the {quarto-custom-callout} extension, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Navigate to your Quarto project directory.
  3. Execute the following command:
quarto add coatless-quarto/custom-callout

This command will download and install the extension under the _extensions subdirectory of your Quarto project. If you’re using version control, make sure to include this directory in your repository.


The {quarto-custom-callout} extension allows you to define custom callouts in your YAML front matter and then use them in your Quarto documents. Here’s a quick overview of the available YAML options:

Option Description Default Possible Values Example
title Default title for the callout Callout name Any string title: "Important Note"
icon Display an icon false true, false icon: true
icon-symbol Custom symbol or text for the icon None Any string, unicode, or FontAwesome class icon-symbol: "📝"
color Color for the callout’s left border and background None Any valid CSS color name or hex color: "#FFA500"
appearance Callout appearance "default" "default", "simple", "minimal" appearance: "simple"
collapse Make the callout collapsible false true, false collapse: true

You can start using custom callouts in your Quarto project immediately after installation. First, define your custom callouts in the YAML front matter:

    icon-symbol: "📝"
    color: "pink"
    title: "Great job!"
    icon-symbol: "fa-thumbs-up"
    color: "#008000"
- custom-callout

Then, use the custom callouts in your Quarto documents like this:

::: todo
Remember to complete this section.

::: thumbs-up
Great job on completing this task!

::: {.todo title="Collapsed Custom Todo (Click to Expand)" collapse="true"}
This is a custom 'todo' callout that is collapsible and has a custom title.


Here are some examples of custom callouts in action:


Remember to complete this section.

Great job!

Great job on completing this task!

This is a custom ‘todo’ callout that is collapsible and has a custom title.

For more detailed information on how to use and customize the {quarto-custom-callout} extension, please refer to our Custom Callout Examples or FAQ.