Frequently Asked Questions


February 6, 2024


June 12, 2024

General Information

What is the embedio shortcode extension for Quarto?

The embedio short code extension for Quarto is a tool designed to improve the embedding experience of various file types within various Quarto HTML formats. It focuses on seamlessly integrating HTML slides, PDFs, audio files, and more, providing users with a versatile and enriched content embedding experience.


How do I install the embedio shortcode Extension?

See the home page for details.

Is the embedio shortcode extension compatible with all Quarto versions?

The embedio short code extension requires Quarto v1.4.549 or later.

Supported File Types

What file types does the embed shortcode extension for Quarto support for embedding?

The embed shortcode extension for Quarto supports a wide range of file types, including but not limited to HTML slides, PDFs, audio files, and more. Refer to the documentation for a comprehensive list of supported file types.

Can I embed interactive content with the embed shortcode extension for Quarto?

Yes, the embed shortcode extension for Quarto enables the embedding of interactive content, such as HTML slides with dynamic elements. Explore the documentation for details on incorporating interactive features into your embedded content.

Usage and Customization

How do I embed an HTML slide using the embedio shortcode extension for Quarto?

Embedding an HTML slide is straightforward. Please use:

For more details, please see Demo: RevealJS.


I’m encountering issues with embedding files. What should I do?

If you’re experiencing difficulties with file embedding, first ensure that your Quarto project has the embedio shortcode extension installed by looking in the _extensions folder.

Next, make sure that the resource is specified in the resources key under the publishing format:

title: Example resource inclusion
    - path/to/file.pdf

If using a Quarto project with a _quarto.yml file, it is better practice to declare all assets in an assets directory under the resources key. For example, we have in our documentation website’s _quarto.yml file:

  type: website
   - assets/*

The asterisks, *, means to include all files within that directory.

Are there known compatibility issues with certain browsers?

The are no known compatible with major browsers. However, if you encounter issues, please feel free to raise them in the project’s issue tracker and consider updating your browser to the latest version.

How can I get help?

For additional support, bug reports, or feature requests, please visit the embed shortcode extension for Quarto community forum or contact our support team through the official channels outlined in the documentation.