Install the Extension

To install the quarto-panelize extension, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a Quarto project.

  2. Open your terminal inside the Quarto project.

  3. Run the following command:

quarto add coatless-quarto/panelize

This command will download and install the extension under the _extensions subdirectory of your Quarto project. If you are using version control, ensure that you include this directory in your repository.


If you wish to use the interactive feature, please make sure to install the following Quarto extensions:


For interactivity with Python, please type into Terminal:

quarto add coatless-quarto/pyodide

Please make sure that panelize is placed before pyodide in the document header filters statement, e.g. 

- panelize
- pyodide


For interactivity with R, please type into Terminal:

quarto add coatless/quarto-webr

Please make sure that panelize is placed before webr in the document header filters statement, e.g. 

- panelize
- webr